Friday, February 15, 2008

Dear Valentines:

oh to all the LUVRS that spent their precious Valentine's Day with us, we thank you from the deepest and greatest depths of our beating beating hearts. Last night at Hogan's in Clarkston, WA was super special to us. Despite all of us being super sick and hardly able to sing, much less see straight, y'all gave us the heartiest big LUV-filled fun show with all your enthusiasm and rowdiness. all night was a LUV fest of the utmost brilliance. and we have all our Valentine's to thank! that includes, but is not limited to: Tony, Skate, Dave, Austin and the rest of the Hogan's staff!! Milo Duke for his glorious set in between ours and for his appearance as MC The Dukest in the midst of our first set. Evy Llyan for kickin things off so beautifully and for smiling big and dancing big and for general awesomeness. Sarah Foster for making the trek from Moscow and dancing her ass off all night -- oh my how we luv thee! Kristin Friesen for being our valentine! for the super cute box of chocolates, for being the 'devil in the blue dress' and for being so fun! oh my! Mary Packer and Any Jacobsen for also making the trek from Moscow for a romantic dinner with us and for the nice comfy place to stay! and to Ree and Meghan and Okey and everyone else that made it out and gave us their hearts on 'ol Valentine's Day. special thanks to everyone that helped us sing A President, A Pacifist, An Auto Restorer at the end of the show with all of our voices caving in on us... that was a super special way to end the night. couldn't have done it without ya. thank you thnk you thnk you.

we're just now waking up in our most favorite place in the world... MOSCOW, ID!!! so excited to be here. this place is magic.

the finn rigginses

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