Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 29: The Nightlight. Chapel Hill, NC. 4-2-08

with the University of North Carolina Tarheels about to head to the Final Four (as if that was anything new), i was excited to be rolling into infamous Chapel Hill. and it was a gorgeous afternoon to be in Chapel Hill. we spent the afternoon enjoying the sunshine, the sights and some time on the 'ol cyber highway.
show that night was at The Nightlight, which by day is a used bookstore / vinyl / cds / cafe / coffeeshop / etc. place called the Skylight Exchange due to the nice skylights it boasts. cool place. great scene. kind of like playing in someone's basement... for most of the good reasons. bill that night was great as well.

locals The Pneurotics opened the show with their alt-countryish rock tunes. really tight and fun stuff. and just absolutely fantastic people... we hit it off immediately. thanks Rich, Mimi, Marty and Gabe!!! check them out at

we followed and had a great crowd for our set. sound was very raw, but fed the overall diy vibe of the place. dug it. a new friend that we'd met in Wilmington a few days earlier -- Marney -- came out and hung out with us again. what a sweetheart, and an absolute crack up. very awesome. this would be our last North Carolina date on this tour, and we were bummed to be leaving as we'd once again made some great new friends. the kind we'd like to be hanging out with all the time...

after us, the nice folks who had helped setup and promote the show in I WAS TOTALLY DESTROYING IT played a fun set of their trucker-hat wearin proggy power pop. tight stuff. super rad people as well. what a fun bill and a great way to end our stay in the Carolinas. we're excited to be hosting IWTDI out in Idaho this summer... stay posted for specifics on that. pumped to help them experience Idaho in all its glory... check them out at

we decided to hit the road after the show as we had visions of sight-seeing in Washington D.C. the next day... so we hit it. and crossed into Virginia and spent yet another spectacular night in the belly of the Ghost Ghost.

reporting for all of us Finn Riggins

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