Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 36: The Von Stengel House. Oneonta, NY. 4-9-08

We awoke in one of the dirtiest parking areas we have ever stopped in. It had this beautiful view looking down on a town, and over some hills, but the hill just over the guard rail where the cars park was covered in litter. It was pretty gross, and I think really added to our excitement at leaving the city after a few days there.
We headed north, and a little west to get to Oneonta. Beautiful beautiful drive through barn country.

We visited our friends Joe and Hope here in the fall, and this time we did a little house show at their place. We would at least hang out, see what happened. Hope cooked some amazing vegetarian food, and we set up our gear to do an acoustic show if the mood should strike. Oh and boy did it strike.

After a couple of hours of engaging conversation with Joe, Hope, Barry from the US Postal Service, and some other rogue characters, we fired up the music making juju and played a short acoustic set. Couple of the tunes got captured on video and should be surfacing soon, but in the meantime, here's a stripped down version of Detamble Wings that we filmed the next morning. Joe - Joseph von Stengel - doctored it into 8 bit to fit the nakedness of the music. Sorta looks like video game versions of ourselves. Check it:

It was nice after the hectic pace of the city to have a bit of a night off in a small town in upstate NY. And with friends and good food. It was pretty much amazing.

reporting for all of us finn rigginses.

PS little reminder. check out more of Joseph von Stengel's work at

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