Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day Three: The Beetle. Greeley, CO

Greeley-based band Green Typewriters kicked the night off last night with a fun set of indie quirk pop. Switching instruments every song with really creative arrangements and textures. I was way into it. They also were comprised of two guys and a girl. Jared, Goija, Garrison. Rad tunes. Rad people. check them out at

Attica followed them with a rambunctios punk pop set. Good guys. They hung out after the show with us as we chilled at our friends' Man The Moon's headquarters into the wee hours and crashed there. Ely from MtM is part of The Crew Presents that threw this show. Took good care of us. Thanks to him and Eric (the other half of The Crew and a member of Greeley band What About Pluto?).

Greeley jam / blues / cover band Pink Paisley closed the night out. It was a strange overall bill for the show. Made it fun and unique i suppose. Kind of like being on a carnival ride -- surprises around every corner... stomach not really sure what to make of it all. A head scratcher. But it's good to scratch one's head from time to time. Throw all notions of control and expectations to the birds. Tour's a lot like that in general.

We like The Beetle. We like The Crew. We like Greeley. Unique place. Good kids here.
We play in Denver tonight.

check out this Lincoln Memorial we drove by in Wyoming yesterday:

it's as if he has a robot body. sort of creepy. Lincoln watching us all so intently from his eternal perch upon his square robot rock body. it's almost like he's trapped. i wonder what he thinks of all this nonsense?

definitely a highlight of the drive yesterday. for that we thank you mr. lincoln.

reporting from Greeley, CO for all of us Finn Rigginses
<< mr. gilbert >>

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