Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 50: The M Room. Philly, PA. 4-23-08

\\\woke up and headed to Philly, our first real move West and thus homeward. the drive took us back through NYC and the Holland Tunnel.

\\\rolled into hot and steamy Philadelphia just a day after the Pennsylvania presidential democratic primary where Hillary Clinton eeked out a win over Barack Obama... not in Philly though... pretty sure Philly went to Obama... saw lots of remnants from the campaign...

\\\cruised into Fishtown, the neighborhood where The M Room is located -- where we'd be playing that night. found parking on the street. Cam proceeded to clean himself up while i walked around to check out the venue.

\\\we then headed into downtown Philly to meet our friend Marty (from north carolina) and one of her friends for dinner... drove past Philadelphia City Hall... absolutely amazing building. check out this wikipedia entry on it pretty awesome.

\\\played that night at The M Room with three philly bands: Media + The Psychadelicates + Rasputin Secret Police. it was a fun show. and we had a bunch of friends there which made it all the cooler... thanks to the Cloud Minder / Anthropic Records crew -- david, evan and shannon -- for coming out! thanks to Trevor (triangle shirt factory)!! and to Marty and Ashley!! and to Kevin and Kate and Brian.

\\\we had a big drive to Ohio the next day, so we packed up and hit the road for the long trek across Pennsylvania...

\\\reporting for all of us finn rigginses

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