Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 55: Quadruple Double Deuce House. MPLS, MN 4-29-08

\\\While driving into Minneapolis we got a phone call from one of the guys involved in setting up the show that night saying that the warehouse space called Future Pasture -- where the show was set to happen-- had been closed down just the night before, and that the show had been moved to a basement across town... No problem.

\\\apparently, and according to the kids we hung out with that night, Minneapolis was already gearing up for the Republican National Convention, and the FBI has been quite active there in preparing for the event. In conjunction with local authorities they are working to shut down DYI venues and are investigating the local anarchists and other politico types. Our show that night had fallen victim to pre-convention "cleansing" if you will... pretty awesome.

\\\that spirit was carried forward into the basement of the Quadruple Double Deuce House... torches held high...

\\\Anyway, we got into town early enough to meet up with an old Boise neighbor of Eric’s: Leigh McIlvaine. Leigh had been finishing up a master’s degree in urban planning and was kind enough to let us stay with her, and hang with us at the show and post show. Plus she reminded us all of Eric’s love of Snoop Dogg from a previous life...

\\\The show was fun and sweaty and full of rambunctious spirit... and reminded us all of the days of Le Coldlab in Moscow (idaho). There were five bands playing in the basement, and the mound of equipment was considerable. The night started out with local band THEMES, a four piece with guy/girl vocals. Nice people, great conversations, and they’re moving to Portland soon. We really hit it off.


\\\We played second to a rowdy and fun crew crammed into the basement... it was beautiful... we were followed by Gumbi (north dakota). After them, we wanted to hang with our buddies so we packed up and headed to a local bar with Leigh and met up with the members of THEMES. It was nice to hang out, play darts, and relax a bit post-show. This was all facilitated by getting to stay with Leigh in her apartment. We tried not to keep her up too late since she had to go be a grad student the next day.

\\\a little video of THEMES

\\\reporting for all of us finn rigginses
\\\lisa + gilbert

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