Friday, October 17, 2008

10/14/08 Iowa City

///lots of windmills popping up all through Iowa. rad to see. obvious why despite being in traditionally red state territory, that Iowa is strong for Obama. really inspiring to see rural America on board for a greener future...

show that night was at The Mill, a historic venue in Iowa City, and part of a new Tuesday night series called Tuesday Night Social Club. cool scene. finally played in Iowa. the odd doppleganger of Idaho in the minds of many of confused Americans... apparently according to the number of times the two states get mixed up, despite being very very different geographically. good town though.

played with a rad Chicago band called Brighton MA. great guys. dug their set. and their encore was one of the longest strangest experiences... it was wild. and ended with Kevin (grown children) on the drums with their lead guitar player and bassist and an audience member on vocals for an absolutely epic version of AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long". unbelievable.


the finale:

thanks to Andre, The Mill, Sam, Tuesday Night Social Club, Ben for the place to crash, Craig from Public Space One for helping set the show up, the folks at KRUI for the same and for helping to promote, and everyone that came out to the show.

///reporting for all of us finn rigginses

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