Sunday, October 19, 2008

10/17/08 Bloomington, IN

///woke up to an epic brkfst at Denny & Joan's. they were unbelievable hosts. 5 star hospitality. impossible to thank them enough. they even came down to Bloomington for the show at Rhino's All Ages that night. and danced. on stage. as did everyone else that night during the Jared Mees & The Grown Children set... despite bunches of kids outside the venue, they were all apparently uninterested unless the music inside was "christian hardcore". talk about a limited worldview.

so yeah. big room. not that many people. only a couple for the local opener Sean Magwire's set.... our set was booming around the empty building and the 30 or so people there now were scattered around the room... so when The Grown Children took the stage they insisted that everyone join them on the big big stage... which effectively shrunk the performance space and made for a fun set. lots of sing-a-longs and booty shakin. and Cam setup most of his drums and played the whole set with them. Jake dangled from the rafters. it was awesome.

Rob Freeman of Kevin's former band Stranger Lazy closed the night out... with Kevin on drums and a bass player... show was over before midnight... which led to a really really fun afterparty a little outside of town with a campfire and some tasty beverages. some serious family tour bonding went down. it was pretty stellar.

more photos from the evening:

///reporting for all of us finn rigginses

1 comment:

Mike said...

i don't see any graff