Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009! Boise! West Coast Tour! NYE! La Grande! Wow!

///wow. been just over 2 weeks since we posted here... and so much has happened... christmas, 60 inches of snow, lots and lots of shoveling, lots and lots of cookies eaten, wild and super fun show at Fresshies in Hailey, incredible New Year's Eve show at The Crawlspace in La Grande, OR with a rad rad group of people and the amazing Test Audiences crew and our beloved and longtime friend Milo Duke... a fantastic kickoff to 2009... still reeling from it's awesomeness....

and as of a few days ago, Finn Riggins has officially relocated to Boise, which we're very very excited about. all kinds of great things happening around here and it's exhilarating being in the midst of it all. so much so that we intend to stay relatively close to home for the next several months with no extended touring planned until at least May as we work on a new record... except for this little two week West Coast Tour that we leave for tomorrow...

1/7 RENO,​ NV @ Red Rock Studi​os
*1/8 MONTE​REY,​ CA @ Monte​rey Live
*1/9 SANTA​ CRUZ,​ CA @ The Crepe​ Place​
*​1/​10 SAN FRANC​ISCO,​ CA @ El Rio
*​1/​12 SACRA​MENTO​,​ CA @ The Press​ Club for CLUB POW!
1/13 MOUNT​ SHAST​A,​ CA @ The Stage​ Door
1/14 EUGEN​E,​ OR @ Sam Bond'​s Garag​e
# 1/15 PORTL​AND,​ OR @ Doug Fir
# 1/16 SALEM​,​ OR @ the IKE Box
1/18 ASTOR​IA,​ OR @ Fort Georg​e Brewe​ry
1/20 BOISE​,​ ID @ TBA -- Obama​ inaug​urati​on party​!​!​
1/27 GARDE​N CITY,​ ID @ Visua​l Arts Colle​ctive​
1/29 SPOKA​NE,​ WA @ Baby Bar
1/30 MOSCO​W,​ ID @ 1912 Cente​r -- Frien​ds of the Clear​water​ Benef​it
1/31 KELLO​GG,​ ID @ Dirty​ Ernie​'​s -- USCSA​ Colle​giate​ Ski Races​ after​ party​!​!​

* w/ Low Red Land (san franc​isco)​
# w/ Jared​ Mees and The Grown​ Child​ren (​portl​and)​

for full detai​ls on each show visit​ our myspace site www.myspa​ce.​com/​finnr​iggin​s

here's a good picture of Milo Duke celebrating late night on New Year's Eve...

see you soon.



Anonymous said...

Do those beers correspond with 5 chakras? Some day when you've gotten some sleep come and kick it in the radio studio at Boise Community Radio...
-Radioactive Gavin

Anonymous said...

Well, when I first saw Milo, he was upright and conversational, but then again, whatever Pabst he didn't drink that night, I think I did..!

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